There is no charge to be in the wine club, you are just committing to purchase wine. You can cancel any time after 2 shipments. Should you cancel prior to 2 shipments, all discounts you received will be charged back to the card on file. You do not accrue membership privileges until you receive your first shipment of wine, but if you purchase a shipment right away, your benefits kick in right away. Shipments will contain a selection of wines from our portfolio, including Belle Glos, Boen, Key to Building 1, and Napa Valley Quilt, but limited to what your preferences are, i.e. full collection, red wines only, Belle Glos only. Shipment may include limited production and specialty wines. Not all shipments will include wines from all brands and are chosen at the discretion of the winemaker and the Wine Club. The shipments come in the spring and fall. Two to three weeks before the shipment, you will receive an email telling you we are preparing your shipment and what you should expect in the package. If you do not want the wine in the package, you can customize with alternate wines available in the shipment. We also keep you in the loop of wine specials, events and happenings around the winery and tasting room, so you always know when something great is going on. More questions? Just reach out to us, we love hearing from you!